
The Relationship between Vitamin A and Teeth

The Relationship between Vitamin A and Teeth

You may have heard that vitamin A is important for vision, but did you know it is also essential for maintaining healthy teeth? Vitamin A may play a vital role in the formation of tooth enamel, the hard outer coating of your teeth that protects them from decay (study).* 

The tooth enamel

Tooth enamel can be the hardest substance in your body. (study) It's made up of minerals, including hydroxyapatite, which can be deposited to form a protective layer over your teeth (study). This layer of minerals can make your teeth strong and resistant to the acidic substances that can cause cavities (study).*

tooth enamel vitamin a

Vitamin A and your teeth

Vitamin A can be essential for the formation of tooth enamel (study).* Without enough vitamin A and other minerals, your body might not produce enough hydroxyapatite to properly mineralize your teeth (study).* This can lead to a condition known as hypoplasia, which can be characterized by thin, weak tooth enamel that can be more susceptible to cavities and other forms of tooth damage.*

So how can you make sure that you're getting enough vitamin A? One of the best ways to ensure adequate intake is to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

vitamin a tooth enamel strength

Food rich in vitamin A

Foods rich in vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, and apricots. You can also find vitamin A in certain teeth & gums supplements or other dietary formulas.

As always, talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Get professional advice if you think you might need a vitamin A supplement or are already taking one to ensure you're not exceeding the amounts you may need.

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